SQL Server 2019 for Developers

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Course Description

Whether you`re new to SQL or a more experienced developer, this course is a great start and an eye-opener on how much you`re missing out on in SQL. You will cover, how to create complex inner and outer joins, summary queries, and subqueries. What the different data types are and how to handle the common problems you run into with various types of data. How to use built-in functions or write your own to handle everyday challenges. You will also see the basics of database design and implementation using the Management Studio.


No particular programming experience is required, the course is taught from a developer`s perspective but it will also suit those new to relational databases and database technology.

An introduction to relational databases and SQL

An introduction to client/server systems

An introduction to the relational database model

An introduction to SQL and SQL-based systems

The Transact-SQL statements

How to work with other database objects

How to use SQL from an application program

How to use the Management Studio

An introduction to SQL Server 2019

An introduction to the Management Studio

How to manage the database files

How to view and modify the database

How to work with queries

How to view the documentation for SQL Server

How to retrieve data from a single table

An introduction to the SELECT statement

How to code the SELECT clause

How to code the WHERE clause

How to code the ORDER BY clause

How to retrieve data from two or more tables

How to work with inner joins

How to work with outer joins

Other skills for working with joins

How to work with unions

How to code summary queries

How to work with aggregate functions

How to group and summarize data

How to summarize data using SQL Server extensions

How to code subqueries

An introduction to subqueries

How to code subqueries in search conditions

Other ways to use subqueries

Guidelines for working with complex queries

How to work with common table expressions

How to insert, update, and delete data

How to create test tables

How to insert new rows

How to modify existing rows

How to delete existing rows

How to merge rows

How to work with data types

A review of the SQL data types

How to convert data

How to work with functions

How to work with string data

How to work with numeric data

How to work with date/time data

Other functions you should know about

How to design a database

How to design a data structure

How to normalize a data structure

How to create a database and its tables with SQL Statements

An introduction to DDL

How to create databases, tables, and indexes

How to use constraints

How to change databases and tables

How to work with sequences

The script used to create the AP database

How to create a database and its tables with the Management Studio

How to work with a database

How to work with tables

How to generate scripts

How to work with views

An introduction to views

How to create and manage views

How to use views

How to use the View Designer

How to code scripts

An introduction to scripts

How to work with variables and temporary tables

How to control the execution of a script

Advanced scripting techniques

How to code stored procedures, functions, and triggers

Procedural programming options in Transact-SQL

How to code stored procedures

How to code user-defined functions

How to code triggers

How to manage transactions and locking

How to work with transactions

An introduction to concurrency and locking

How SQL Server manages locking

How to prevent deadlocks

How to manage database security

How to work with SQL Server login IDs

How to work with permissions

How to work with roles

How to manage security using the Management Studio

How to work with XML

An introduction to XML

How to work with the xml data type

How to work with XML schemas

Two more skills for working with XML

How to work with BLOBs

An introduction to BLOBs

How to use SQL to work with a varbinary(max) column

A .NET application that uses a varbinary(max) column

How to use FILESTREAM storage

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