Introduction to Python 3

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Programme Overview

Python is a powerful and popular object-oriented scripting language. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the core syntax and functions provided by Python, including full coverage of its object-oriented features. The course also explores some of Python’s powerful APIs and techniques, including file handling, XML processing, object serialisation, and Web services.

What you’ll learn:
Writing clean Python code
Working with functions and objects
Working with text and regular expressions
Handing exceptions
Manipulating files and XML data
Working with web services

Course Content

Getting Started with Python:
Overview of python; installing python; getting ready to develop

Python Langauge Fundamentals:
Overview of core Python syntax rules; Simple data types and variables; Object essentials; Flow control
Exception Handling:Overview of exceptions in Python; Handling exceptions; Raising exceptions;Design issues
Collections: Overview of collections in Python; Lists; Tuples; Sets; Dictionaries
Strings and RegularExpressions: Overview of strings in Python; Basic string manipulation; Introduction to regular expressions; Using regular expressions inPython
Classes and Iterators:Defining classes; Instance variables; Iterators; Creating and initialising objects
File Handling:Overview of file handling in Python; Reading and writing text files; Working with binary files; Streaming and serialising Python objects
XML Processing:XML essentials; Parsing XML documents; Searching for XML content; GeneratingXML data

Course Prerequisites:
Overview At least 6 months programming experience
Familiarity with OO concepts would be an advantage

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